Psychology Services Overview

What psychology services do you provide?

First in Mind provides individual psychology consultations and group education sessions.

Are individual psychology consultations in-person or online?

Individual psychological consultations can be provided in-person or as telehealth consultations.


In some instances telehealth consultations are not clinically appropriate, if this applies to your circumstances Ruby will discuss this with you and make suitable arrangements.


Please note that COVID-19 has impacted the ability to provide services in-person for both individual consultations and group education sessions. Let us know your preference and we will do our best to deliver services in your preferred format.

What to expect

What frameworks does Ruby use?

What to expect at your first appointment?

Group education sessions

Referrals, fees & payment information

“It is not primarily our physical selves that limit us but rather our mindset about our physical limits.”

Ellen J. Langer

Get in touch.

A 28/351 Kingsway, Caringbah NSW 2229


M +61 422 786 574