Referrals, Fees & Payments


Fees are payable at the time of consultation.

Individual - $200 for a standard 50 minute consultation

Group education sessions - please contact us to discuss. Note: some group education sessions and workshops may be able to access a Medicare rebate if you have a referral from your GP.



Medicare - Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative

If you have a referral from your GP for consultations with a psychologist you can access a Medicare rebate for individual 50 minute consultation under Better Access – Focused Psychological Strategies. Your GP will provide you with a referral for a mental health treatment plan to bring with you and provide a copy to your psychologist.


If you are eligible under DVA and have a referral from your GP, you may have access to funded 50 minute consultations. Access to psychology services is dependent on your DVA card classification. For more information speak with your GP or DVA. 


Private Health

Your private health cover may enable you to access a rebate for psychology service consultations. Please contact your private health cover provider to confirm your cover, rebate and rebate claim process. No referral is needed.